What we're experts at

We're experts at lot of things.

(Note: Not areas like coal mining safety or trailer park maintenance.)

We have deep experience in many, many categories like fashion, insurance, skincare, fast food and live media. We even know all about dryer sheets.

(Note: No experience in steel fabrication or gastric by-pass surgery.)

We've done work for a long list of wonderful clients that include Tommy Hilfiger, Conde Nast, Elizabeth Arden, AIG, P&G, HSN, Campbell's, Elizabeth Arden and General Mills.

Here's our best attempt to categorize what we do.

If some of it sounds like 'wha?!' to you, we get it. The majority of our work with clients involves multiple disciplines, so making the distinctions is somewhat artificial. But we'll give it a go:

  • First and foremost, we're experts at finding a brand's Chewy Center (what's your Chew Center?) and almost all the work we do with clients comes out of this understanding.
  • We've experts at creating content, and developing and producing it in almost any area that enables us to share a brand's chewiest stories: Television, radio, and print; short and long-form video; digital and social; Facebook apps; live speeches; direct-to-consumer television... we could keep going on and on but then we'd be going on and on.
  • We're experts at facilitating brainstorming sessions that end with 'Here's exactly what you've go to do starting tomorrow.' We run them for:
    • Developing brand or product positioning (that's your Chewy Center)
    • Developing a brand's communications platform
    • Creating company Core Values
  • We're experts at developing sales strategy, and media training and script-writing for home shopping television.
  • We're experts at media training super stars, radio hosts, as well as training high profile executives for TV, web and radio appearances, and live speaking engagements.
  • And we love to express ourselves in other ways too: We've written television series, published books, won awards in fiction, and written for magazines.

If you ask us for help in an area where we're not an expert, we'll work with a partner who is—we work closely with PR company specialists, award winning directors, graphic designers, animators, and web designers.

And if it's out of their skills range (for example, accordion repair or large animal training) we'll hand you to someone who can expertly do what you need to get done.